SSI Dive Professional – A Cut Above
Wouldn’t it be great to have a job that you enjoyed so much that you couldn’t believe you got paid to do it.
Becoming an SSI Dive Professional can make this a reality. You can actually have a career doing something you enjoy while providing you with the monetary satisfaction you deserve!
While most people focus on getting a “real job,” there are many employment opportunities that do not fit this mold. Dive retailers and resorts have immediate openings for qualified professionals domestically and around the world. The only difference is your primary office is under water “having fun!” This type of work is not always seen as serious employment, so there is a constant shortage of skilled staff. This creates huge career opportunities.
If you are looking for a career in diving, becoming an SSI Dive Professional is the best choice you can make. SSI is the only organization that not only trains you to teach others how to dive, but also teaches you what you need to know to become a key player in the industry.
Dive Guide
The Dive Guide program approaches training using practical application, background information and flexibility. The goal is to create well-prepared, versatile and marketable Dive Professionals. SSI Dive Guides can lead and guide certified divers. Additionally, after passing the Snorkeling Instructor program, a Dive Guide can teach and issue Snorkeling certifications.
Dive Master
$1250.00 Includes Materials
Dive Guide plus the Science of Diving Specialty program equals Divemaster. Divemasters can assist SSI Instructors with pool/confined water and open water training under direct supervision.
Assistant Instructor
$1850.00 Includes Materials
You have three options: Take Dive Guide, Science of Diving and Assistant Instructor single or all as one program or enter the program as a Divemaster from any approved agency. As a Assistant Instructor you can lead and guide certified divers; assist SSI Instructors in the classroom, pool and open water; teach skills in the classroom and pool under the indirect supervision of an SSI Instructor (except the emergency skills); teach the SSI Scuba Skills Update program, the SSI Snorkeling program, and the SSI Try Scuba program (pool only) and upgrade to a Training Specialist.
Open Water Instructor
$3500.00 + Evaluation $450.00
+ Processing Fee $600
Being a Assistant Instructor plus enrolling in the Instructor Training Course which finishes with an Instructor Evaluation equals Open Water Instructor (OWI). As an Open Water Instructor you can teach and issue certifications for Indoor Diver, Scuba Diver, Junior Open Water Diver, Open Water Diver, Advanced Adventurer, Scuba Skills Update, Try Scuba, Try Scuba Diving, Enriched Air Nitrox, and Diver Stress & Rescue.
Adavanced Open Water Instructor
Once you have four Specialty Instructor certifications and you have issued 15 Specialty program certifications, you will automatically be upgraded to Advanced Open Water Instructor. After certification, Advanced Open Water Instructors are qualified to teach, supervise, or issue certifications for Advanced Open Water/Junior Advanced Open Water, Dive Guide, Science of Diving, Divemaster and Snorkel Instructor programs, plus any additional Specialties you are qualified to teach.
Dive Control Specialist Instructor
After issuing an additional 30 Open Water Diver certifications, you qualify to upgrade to Dive Control Specialist Instructor. A Dive Control Specialist Instructor can teach and issue certifications for all the same programs as an Advanced Open Water Instructor, plus Dive Control Specialists can assist Instructor Trainers under indirect supervision during an Instructor Training Course (ITC).