
Regulator Services

3 Stage Service w/ parts  – $225.00

Includes complete overhaul of first and second stage regulators including safe second with parts kits for all stages.

2 Stage Service w/ parts  – $200.00


Individual  Service prices

1st Stage Overhaul $45.00 + parts kit
2nd stage overhaul $45.00 + parts kit
Inflator / Safe 2nd $45.00 + parts kit

High pressure hose replacement $80.00

Low pressure hose replacement $60.00

Communication mask service $175.00


Computer Services

Battery Service $45.00

Sunnto  watch battery change $230.00

Sunnto  watch full service $230.00

High pressure spool replacment service $45.00


Bouyancy Compansator Services 

BC Service $50.00

Repair power inflator $45.00

Repair leak in BC bladder $75.00

Replace dump valves $38.00


Tank Services

Hydro $40.00

VIP Steel HP Tank $24.00

VIP Plus Aluminum Tank $26.00

Tumble $40.00


Air Fills

Low pressure fill $9.00

High pressure  fill $10.00


Rental Equipment

Complete rental package 24 hour period $75.00

Includes: 1 Tank, BC, regulator, guages, wetsuit, hood, weights

Additional tank $20.00

Reg Rental $35.00

BC Rental $25.00

Hood $15.00

Weights $20.00

Wetsuit 25.00